Editorial:LeaveHomeSafe Scrapped in HK's Effort to Restore Normality

【明報專訊】The government has announced that citizens no longer need to scan the LeaveHomeSafe app starting today (14 December), and the "amber code" restriction has also been cancelled, meaning that there will no longer be any restrictions on the activities of arrivals after they reach Hong Kong. Some lawmakers have described this as in effect an implementation of "0+0". The LeaveHomeSafe app has been launched for more than two years. As an iconic anti-epidemic tool in Hong Kong, there have been many controversies surrounding it. In any case, as virus tracking has become a thing of the past, cancelling the LeaveHomeSafe code-scanning mandate will not have any real impact. The biggest problem with the government's decision this time is that it came too abruptly, and the policy took a sharp turn, which inevitably gave the public the impression that the government is always chopping and changing. The cancellation of the LeaveHomeSafe code-scanning mandate and the amber code restriction on the vaccine pass is an important sign that Hong Kong is returning to normal. The authorities should further relax the anti-epidemic measures based on the principle of "being as lenient as possible", and at the same time actively organise more events and large-scale activities to convey to the outside world that Hong Kong has reopened.
