Editorial : WD's determination to take advantage
迪士尼堅持佔盡便宜 財委會不應撥款擴建

【明報專訊】HONG KONG DISNEYLAND (HKDL) is planning to spend $10.9 billion on its expansion. Few support this plan, but many are fiercely against it. To persuade the Finance Committee of the Legislative Council (Legco) to grant its appropriation application, the government has agreed to change the percentage of its injection. It will put up as much as Walt Disney (WD) will, and its injection will come down from $5.8 billion to $5.45 billion. However, WD is adamant that the way of calculating its management fees should remain unchanged. It will only waive the adjustable part of its management fees payable in the next two years. That means WD will certainly make money and sustain no losses, for it will receive huge management fees from the government whether or not HKDL makes money. The government, however, may sustain losses.
