Editorial : Local extremism
本土極端主義惡化 西方排外「愈反愈恐」

【明報專訊】THE OTHER DAY saw outside the Houses of Parliament, London, the UK, a terror attack, for which ISIS has admitted responsibility. Initial inquiries have revealed that the murderer was born in the UK and has come under the influence of ISIS extremism. This again shows such "lone-wolf" attacks can hardly be prevented. Terror attacks have in recent years occurred one after the other in the US and Europe. Ultrarightist white politicians invariably tend to blame them on Muslim mindsets, which are certainly different because Muslims are not of "our nationality". They think it is necessary to be strictly on guard against them and they should even bar them from their territory. However, they overlook a major cause of the problem — that a handful of young local Muslims are susceptible to extremism and liable to take the wrong path of violence because local Muslims, long marginalised, are hopeless about their future.
