Editorial : Bureaucratic perfunctoriness
復康巴士服務不足 折射官僚苟且歪風

【明報專訊】THE OFFICE of The Ombudsman (the Office) has released the report of a direct investigation in which it criticises the Labour and Welfare Bureau (LWB) and the Transport Department (TD) for their less than proactive attitude towards implementing the barrier-free transport policy. It says that, as a result, Rehabus services are severely inadequate, so much so that the basic need of people with disabilities having to receive health care is not met. According to the report, both LWB and TD have failed to do what they are obligated to do. They pass the buck and intend just to muddle along. They have played the policy down by calling it a "concept", and they have omitted to set definite targets or schedules. They have even resorted to sophistry, saying that it will only lead to greater demand to increase service supply and that no targets can possibly be met however great increases in resources may be.
