Editorial : Ip is crestfallen
政治生態不正常 葉太鎩羽嘆奈何

【明報專訊】THE COMPETITION for nominations between those desirous of standing for Chief Executive (CE) has come to a close. Some are happy, and others, sad. Carrie Lam, Woo Kwok-hing and John Tsang have managed to get into their respective starting stalls. Unable to get sufficient nominations, Regina Ip, one of the CE aspirants, has gloomily ended her electioneering. She alone looks haggard. Mrs Ip worked very hard when she electioneered. She unveiled long ago her comprehensive platform, in which her ideas of running Hong Kong are listed. Though she was all along at a disadvantage, she, sparing no effort, fought to the last minute. Her spirit is indeed commendable.
