Editorial : Government should modify its role
自由經濟再摘桂冠 政府角色仍須調節

【明報專訊】THE HERITAGE FOUNDATION (an American think tank) has over twenty-three years in a row selected Hong Kong as the freest economy in the world. Its approval of Hong Kong upholding free-market principles is worth rejoicing at. The rankings were first done in 1995, when Hong Kong was to revert to Chinese sovereignty. What has happened shows "one country, two systems" has not marred the economic system the territory then had, which has kept strengthening. However, a system can be called good only if it allows adaptation to changes. Hong Kong should adhere to free-market principles, but it must at the same time make the best use of the situation. This is especially the case when global economic competition is growing keener and keener. The government should consider what role it can and should play in boosting economic development and bringing about new industries. That is an issue it can no longer evade.
