Editorial : The next CE's land policy must be well thought-out
土地政策須深思熟慮 勿輕率助長地產霸權

【明報專訊】AS REGARDS land and housing, the issue that concerns Hong Kong citizens most, many Chief Executive contenders have used specific chapters in their manifestos to enthuse about increasing the supply of land and public housing. Hong Kong citizens suffer from high property prices, which is in every way related to the "developer hegemony". For a long time, the previous administration put on hold the creation of land and connived at developers' building of "blown-up flats" for sky-high profits, and was roundly criticised for that. Increasing housing supply is the fundamental way of solving the problem. That said, not only should CE candidates display their resolve to rein in property price rises, but they also have a responsibility to explain why their policies will not disproportionately benefit developers so as to dispel suspicions of collusion between the government and developers and connivance at the excesses of the "developer hegemony".
