Editorial : Financial shenanigans of two electricity companies
市民預繳燃料費 兩電回饋玩財技

【明報專訊】IN the tariff adjustment plan submitted by the two electricity companies to the Panel on Economic Development of the Legislative Council, the CLP states that it is to freeze tariffs next year, at the same time offering a fuel rebate. The Hongkong Electric Company (HK Electric), on the other hand, will cut tariffs for the second consecutive year, this time by 17 per cent. On the face of it, the two companies are being "attentive" to citizens' needs and are "repaying" the public. However, behind the veil of financial shenanigans, the two companies' true intention of taking advantage of citizens has been laid bare. The root of the problem is that the existing Scheme of Control Agreement is excessively slanted in favour of the two companies' financial interests. But in fact, the government does not have to make sure that the two companies are turning a profit. Nor should it connive with the two companies to treat citizens like the gullible ones and allow them to deceive everybody by being deliberately inconsistent.
