Editorial : Party interests are even harder to reconcile
新一屆立會碎片化 黨派利益更難整合

【明報專訊】THE NEW Legislative Council (Legco) begins to sit today. There being twenty-six new faces, some look forward to the new members giving the legislature a new aspect and new impetus. In recent years, the assembly's ecology has worsened, and tumult has reigned supreme in the legislative chamber. When the last Legco sat, filibustering persisted, and it was normal to lack a quorum. The body failed to do what it ought to do, which is to discuss matters, solve problems and adopt bills. Most citizens were tired of and even averse to what happened in the legislative chamber. It is hoped that members of the new Legco will do as citizens ardently wish — see to it that the body will do what it is supposed to do and act as what fosters progress rather than what impedes it.
