Editorial : To buy or not to buy a flat
私樓火熱居屋滯銷 考驗市民置業智慧

【明報專訊】HAD the many politico-economic uncertainties worldwide manifested themselves in the investment markets in the usual manner, they would have driven down asset prices. However, the recent rallies in the stock and property markets have sent asset prices even higher, a phenomenon that runs counter to the economic fundamentals. Second-hand property prices, in particular, experienced a significant rise, and are likely to reach another peak. On the other hand, there has been a new supply of Home Ownership Scheme (HOS) flats recently. But only around 31 per cent of them have been sold over the past month, meaning that they are not as coveted as expected. Owing to the bullish second-hand property market and the low turnover of HOS flats, some citizens are once again faced with a tough choice, dithering whether or not they should buy a flat at this particular moment in time.
