Editorial : China's L-shaped economic progress
內地坦承L形經濟 轉型須埋首啃骨頭

【明報專訊】THE PEOPLE'S DAILY has recently published an interview with a "person in authority" on its front page. The interview, titled "Questions about the overall trends in the first quarter of the Kaiju year", contains penetrating analysis made in a declamatory style. As the interview features not only a diagnosis, but also a prescription for the Chinese economy, it carries a lot of weight. Some of the comments are very different from what several high-ranking officials have said about the economic situation. The predictions about the Chinese economy's overall trends and the proposition of a far-sighted approach to tackle such economic problems as debts, all of which are contained in the interview, are very appropriately made, reflecting the pragmatism and industriousness of the Beijing authorities at the moment.
