Editorial : Political resentment vented during football matches
在球場宣泄政治不滿 無助足運更徒生誤解

【明報專訊】YESTERDAY (November 17) the Hong Kong team met on its own turf the Chinese national team in an Asian World Cup qualifier match. Not only were people concerned about its outcome, but they were also worried that things might happen which would turn the match into an incident. When the national anthem was heard and the match was about to begin, some football fans booed and made gestures to evince their political sentiment. Things remain such that one can hardly feel relieved. Some Hong Kong football fans regard football matches as occasions on which they may vent their resentment against Beijing. This can only be described as unfortunate and unwise, for such behaviour, neither sensible nor appropriate, hardly helps promote football in Hong Kong and may unnecessarily aggravate political misunderstandings.
