Xi-Ma meeting
「習馬會」意義重大 難望攪動台灣政局

【明報專訊】XI JINPING and Ma Ying-jeou are to meet each other in Singapore next Saturday. Theirs will be the first meeting between the two sides' paramount leaders since 1949. Their meeting will be of great significance. It will prove a landmark in the development of cross-strait relations. However, it is generally opined that it will not greatly impact on the political situation in Taiwan. The Kuomintang (KMT) being too weak to rouse itself owing to subjective and objective factors, the odds are heavily against it in the upcoming election. Therefore, the meeting is extremely unlikely to reverse the general trend towards the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) being in office again. On the face of it, the two sides have their respective expectations of the meeting.
