WSD must learn a lesson
確認水務署認知不足 須究責總結經驗教訓

【明報專訊】THE TASK FORCE on the lead-contaminated water affair led by the Water Supplies Department (WSD) has made public its first report. In it the task force affirms that, because leaded solder has been used and welding has not been skilfully done, lead has entered and accumulated in plumbing and, as a result, the lead content of tap-water may in the worst case be 584 times above the UK upper limit. Since the WSD said the "culprit" was leaded solder and welders' skill, there is little new in the report. However, the WSD has admitted it did not adequately perceive what would happen in consequence of the use of leaded solder. As it has for the first time acknowledged its responsibility for the lead-contaminated water affair since it arose about three months ago, more can now be discussed. In dealing with it, the government must of course take remedial action. However, only if it holds WSD officials accountable can it basically restore citizens' confidence in tap-water potability.
