URA's about-turn
中環街市活化推倒重來 市建局急轉彎難以理解

【明報專訊】THE URBAN RENEWAL AUTHORITY (URA) has abandoned the "floating oasis" design for revitalising Central Market in favour of what is called a "simplified version". It is open to the URA to make changes as the works have not started yet. However, before it did so, it ought reasonably to have consulted the public again, for the original plan, which it adopted after it had consulted the public, has obtained wide acceptance. Now the URA has directly submitted its new plan to the Town Planning Board for approval. People may therefore suspect it does not respect what came of the consultation exercise. It may have set a bad precedent in connection with conservation projects. The URA has sat on the project for six years. It has now decided on a fundamental change and talked about it only vaguely. It owes the public an explanation.
