Police must not give in to political pressure
警隊寫六七暴動史 切勿屈從政治壓力

【明報專訊】THE POLICE have updated their official webpage. The new version contains a toned-down description of the 1967 riots. Though the police stress that the amendments are not politically motivated, some basic facts of the riots have been deleted or rewritten. It seems what the police have done is more than simplification and amendment. In fact, in the old version, some of the descriptions of the riots were not relevant to the role of the police, and their inclusion was itself debatable. However, it will naturally arouse suspicions if such descriptions are rashly changed, especially if events on which society has already formed its views are toned down. Society simply cannot be indifferent to such changes. In this light, when the police did that, even if they had no political axe to grind, they acted rashly and failed to take into account the sensitivity of the issue in Hong Kong today. The police ought to have a review and make improvements in earnest.
