The Beijing military parade is of practical significance
抗戰勝利大閱兵 具歷史現實意義

【明報專訊】EVENTS celebrating the 70th anniversary of the victory over Japanese aggression take place today (September 3) in Beijing. Of all the events, the military parade is likely to capture the most attention. The Beijing authorities state that they are not holding the military parade because of Japan or the Japanese people. However, the term "victory over Japanese aggression" in fact refers to the Chinese people's gallant resistance against the invasion triggered by a militarist Japan, as well as a victory that came with a lot of loss and sacrifices. Seventy years after its defeat in the Second World War, Japan is being led by its right-wing politicians to whitewash the invasion, shift responsibility for the war and push through new security bills. As a result, Japan is no longer a pacifist country, and could go down the road of military aggression again. What the Japanese people intend to do has put China, which has experienced the pain and suffering caused by Japan's invasion, on high alert. This is why the military parade is of great historical and practical significance.
