China's policy towards Japan
對日政策須長期一致 堅持立場原則不可讓

【明報專訊】CHINA'S diplomatic policy towards Japan has long puzzled Chinese people. It has long been unclear how Sino-Japanese relations should be. They have changed in recent years because of the Diaoyu disputes. There were encounters involving the two countries' warplanes and warships, and Beijing once cancelled at the eleventh hour its plan to send a delegation to the country. But soon afterwards Beijing showed signs of softening its stance. It is quite clear that the new security bills that have gone through the Lower House of the National Diet of Japan are at odds with the "peace constitution" of the country. However, China has responded to that very mildly. It has only "urged that Japan stick to its path of peaceful development". The sensitive may therefore feel China's policy towards Japan (which was once tough) has become mild. It remains to be seen whether this is the case, but it is not at all surprising for people to think so, given the way Beijing has conducted itself over the past two weeks.
