Under the Dome
穹頂之下何日見青天 粗放經濟害子孫萬代

【明報專訊】NO SOONER had it been put on the Internet than Under the Dome, a documentary former CCTV journalist Chai Jing had made with her own money, garnered over a hundred million views. It has aroused nationwide concern not because of what Ms Chai experienced herself, but because of what afflicts the 1.3 billion people in China. When will they see an azure sky? So far China, which embarked on its "reform and opening-up" thirty years ago, has yet to resolve the dichotomy (or strike a balance) between "development" and "conservation". Xi Jinping has kept harping on the "Chinese dream", but a blue sky is what all mainlanders now most fervently dream forward to.
