HK independence is a red line that should not be crossed
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【明報專訊】CHIEF EXECUTIVE (CE) Leung Chun-ying has stirred up a debate over Hong Kong independence through his policy address. Judging from pro-democracy legislators' reactions, his comments have actually intensified government-people antagonism, making the election of the CE by universal suffrage in 2017 even less likely and the government's governance problems even harder to overcome. However, when asked whether they advocated Hong Kong independence, students failed to give a clear answer, while some legislators denied categorically. This shows Hong Kong independence is a red line even those in the opposition do not dare to cross. From this it is clear that in-depth discussions of the issue of Hong Kong independence will show it is a blind alley. That would free Hong Kong from an entanglement and the central government from a source of worry, so that they can rebuild their mutual trust and again interact with each other constructively.
