Idiom Magic﹕狠狠斥訓 Give someone a dressing down

【明報專訊】The day was hot so Buddy and Teddy hopped into a lily pond ( 蓮 塘 ) for a nice refreshing swim. Officer Mutt happened to be passing by. He called the boys over and promptly ( 即 時 地 ) gave them a dressing down. "You little fellows should be ashamed of ( 為 … 感 到 羞 愧 ) yourselves!" he said, wagging a finger at them. "You are in full view of the public ( 公 眾 )! Aren't you embarrassed?" he asked. To give someone a dressing down is to scold or reprimand ( 譴 責 ) him or her. "Furthermore," he continued, "if I see you like this again, I will give you more than a dressing down!"
