Radical legislators' obstruction
激進議員胡搞蠻纏 政府不能罔顧民生

【明報專訊】THE LAST MEETINGS of the Legislative Council (Legco) and its Finance Committee in this session are about to take place, and Leung Chun-ying has asked that the Finance Committee deal with over forty items as soon as possible. He blames the "jam" on several legislators who have often filibustered to prevent other legislators from considering and approving the administration's bills and applications for funds. It is common knowledge that a few radical legislators have caused such trouble by availing themselves of loopholes in the rules of procedure that the legislature is paralysed. If the administration has done all it can to end or ease the "jam", it may with good reason slam radical legislators for causing trouble. The Finance Committee's agenda is controlled by the administration. If it sees to it that the Finance Committee can give priority to matters which affect citizens' lives and are not controversial, it can surely help ease the "jam". However, it has adamantly refused to do so. That is why some think the administration has not exerted its utmost.
