Public housing residents are the losers
商場私有化本應雙贏 利字當頭居民成輸家

【明報專訊】THE LINK REIT has sold to retail property investors four of the several shopping malls which, in an unprecedented move, it earlier put up for sale. The four malls sold, namely the Hing Tin Commercial Centre in Lam Tin, the Kwai Hing Shopping Centre in Kwai Chung, the Retail and Car Park at Tung Hei Court in Shau Kei Wan, and the Wah Kwai Shopping Centre in Aberdeen, are not located in bustling shopping districts, and have been said to be the "most unprofitable" of the Link REIT's 120 or so shopping malls. Whatever business plans the new purchasers may have for the four malls, the transactions will mean to the Link REIT a profit of more than HK$3.3 hundred million. Over the years, almost 40 of the ideally-located Link REIT malls have undergone major renovations at great expense, to be invariably followed by hefty rent increases that have forced out of business many old shops catering for the daily needs of the local residents.
